Potassium permanganate is a solid oxidant within sight of sulfuric corrosiveness. Mohr’s Salt Titration with KMnO4 is a twofold salt framing a solitary glasslike structure having the equation (NH4)2. FeSO4. 6H2O. The substance name for Mohr’s salt is ferrous ammonium sulfate.
In this titration, Mohr salt goes about as a diminishing specialist, and potassium permanganate goes about as an oxidising specialist. Along these lines, the response between Mohr’s Salt Titration with KMnO4 and potassium permanganate is a redox response.
The ferrous particles in Mohr’s salt are oxidised. In this redox reaction, the pink coloured manganese in potassium permanganate, which is in the +7 oxidation state, is reduced to the dull Mn2+ state.
Learn About Organic Chemistry with Mohr’s Salt Titration Experiment